The Equipment for Mega Trend Automation is Made in Hungary − How Knapp Got its Hungarian Operation Up and Running at Record Speed S01E09

The Equipment for Mega Trend Automation is Made in Hungary − How Knapp Got its Hungarian Operation Up and Running at Record Speed S01E09

2024. 03. 27.

#Investment #Podcast #KNAPP #Automation #Competitiveness

Knapp AG is far more than a manufacturer of warehouse automation equipment. It is a technology company that provides solutions to its customers and keep working with them closely in the long run to tend to any of their automation-related needs. Jörg Bergmann, VP of Operations explained further why tech development won’t cut the need for manpower, how they managed to complete their investment project from site selection to plant opening within just one year, and why he believes HIPA’s support is just extraordinary.

Investors always work with tight schedules. But what Knapp AG accomplished was even staggering for an Austrian firm that is expected to be efficient. The company opened its new warehouse automation equipment plant in Nemesvámos just one year after site selection started.

The added value of their investment was definitely the fact that they came to replace another company that had gone out of business, thus saving hundreds of jobs.

VP Jörg Bergmann talked about all those implications and much more.

Listen to the full show and find out:

  • in what way HIPA’s support is extraordinary compared to its counterparts
  • whether Knapp is planning to make human-shaped robots anytime soon, the kind that Amazon uses
  • how a company like Knapp can benefit from mega trend automation, and
  • whether Mr. Bergmann would do the whole project all over again if he had to




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